


Download the alternative to Windows and macOS designed to make your computer faster, more powerful, secure, and privacy-respecting.

Zorin OS

目前Zorin OS 15共有三個主要版本,分別是Ultimate、Core和Education(教育版),三個主要版本都有提供Lite版(輕量版)。其中Ultimate版需要付費,其餘版本則是免費。

【最佳Linux 作業系統】Zorin OS 15 Ultimate 最先進的開源軟體

2023年7月6日 — Zorin OS Ultimate彙集了最先進的開源軟體,因此您可以釋放電腦的全部潛能。 Zorin Appearance應用程式已延伸為內含Zorin OS Ultimate中的所有6個桌面佈局 ...

Download Zorin OS 12 Ultimate

Download your copy of Zorin OS 12 Ultimate.

Zorin OS Pro

It's the ultimate task manager app to help you plan your day. Create to-do lists, schedule tasks with reminders, track your progress, manage your projects ...

Linux Distribution

2023年12月20日 — Please note, Zorin OS has an Ultimate Edition which cost a small $39 (USD). ... Zorin OS Education comes with a huge library of educational apps ...

Zorin OS

目前Zorin OS 15共有三個主要版本,分別是Ultimate、Core和Education(教育版),三個主要版本都有提供Lite版(輕量版)。其中Ultimate版需要付費,其餘版本則是免費。

Zorin OS 17 Has Arrived

2023年12月20日 — Zorin OS 17 Has Arrived. Our most advanced version ever. Exciting new features and improvements take your computer to a whole new level. Zorin ...


